September 2024

Last summer, together with spoken word artist Tato Wesselo and dancer Bibian Scheepstra we created the performance 'Golfweg 112’.

We had the premiere at the poetry festival ‘Dichter bij water’ organized by Literair café de Geestgronden. Prior to the readings of 16 Zeeland city and guild poets, we were able to present our multidisciplinary experiments at ‘Het Watersnoodmuseum’, for which we thank them.

August/september 2024


Zeer veel dank Theo Voorzaat voor de laatste expositie van het zomerseizoen. Een intrigerende tentoonstelling als afsluiter van EXPO ’24. De tentoonstelling trok vele bewonderaars, volgers en verzamelaars. Zo’n 500 bezoekers konden genieten, hun waardering uitspreken en persoonlijk aan je overdragen. Het waren vijf intense dagen waarin wij deel mochten nemen aan jouw wereld en je kijk erop.

Veel succes met de vervolg expositie in Galerie Lieve Hemel te Amsterdam en een stabiele gezondheid toegewenst de komende tijd.


Many thanks Theo Voorzaat for the last exhibition of of the summer season. An intriguing exhibition to conclude EXPO ‘24. The exhibition attracted many admirers, followers and collectors. Some 500 visitors were able to enjoy, express their appreciation and convey it to you personally. It has been five intense days in which we were allowed to participate in your world and your view of it.

Good luck with the follow-up exhibition at Galerie Lieve Hemel in Amsterdam and a stable health for the near future wished.

foto: F.C. Blanker (Frans sr.)

• The Belgian art magazine Art Couch (digital and printed editions) wrote an article on the exhibition of Danielle Luinge & Giovanni Winne.

Rue du Luxembourg, photo: Frans Blanker

July 2024

Antwerpen fine art photography Frans Blanker
Frans Blanker, fine art photography - Atelier 21
Frans Blanker 2024, fine art photography Atelier 21

‘Belux’, photography by Frans Blanker [2024]

June 2024

Saxofoon examens Codarts. Instagram post Frans Blanker.

Once again enjoyed being an external examiner at Codarts' final saxophone exams.

Below is a photo from principal study teacher of saxophone Tineke Postma's instagram.

instagram @fransblanker

It is gratifying and hopeful that there are many cultural institutions in the Netherlands that offer young people a place to develop themselves broadly socially. A privilege of an open democratic society.

The decision by the incoming Wilders-1 cabinet to increase VAT on culture from 9% to 21%, raises public law questions related to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and the principle of equality.

May 2024

Black & Green

Foto van Frans Blanker, Luxemburg
Foto door Frans Blanker, Parking Rotterdam
Frans Blanker, fotografie. Studio & Expositie in Zierikzee, Kraanplein 22. Voor openingstijden zie website.
Frans Blanker, fotografie. Studio & Expositie in Zierikzee, Kraanplein 22. Voor openingstijden zie website.

photography by Frans Blanker, 2024

March ‘24, Bruxelles

a Song for europe

‘Somnium’; a Dutch book of poetry in the making, link

februari 2024

Visited the duo exhibition of painters couple Danielle Luinge & Giovanni Winne at the Campo Santo in Ghent (BE). Organic abstraction, seascapes and figurative spells. A mystical experience on a Sunday afternoon, thanks for the invitation.

Danielle and Giovanni are currently living and working in Zierikzee. Follow there work on instagram: Danielle - Giovanni

Art Exhibition The Netherlands. Gallery Atelier 21. Kraanplein 22, Zierikzee, Zeeland.